Course Details
This qualification reflects the role of individuals working as skilled operators with civil construction plant, who apply a broad range of skills in varied work contexts, using some discretion and judgement and relevant theoretical knowledge. These individuals may provide theoretical advice and support a team.
Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification considerations
Licensing, legislative and certification requirements that apply to this qualification can vary between states, territories, and industry sectors. Users must check requirements with relevant body before applying the qualification.
Course Duration
2-4 Weeks via the RPL proccess
Packaging Rules
The following provides the packaging rules for this qualification, followed by the list of relevant units of competency.
Total number of units = 20
15 core units plus
5 elective units, of which:
at least one (1) must be chosen from Group A
at least two (2) must be chosen from Group B
no more than two (2) may be chosen from Group C
no more than one (1) may be chosen from elsewhere within this training package, or from another endorsed training package, or from an accredited course.
at least two (2) must be chosen from Group A
a further three (3) may be chosen from Group A, B, or C
no more than one (1) may be chosen from elsewhere within this training package, or from another endorsed training package, or from an accredited course.
All elective units selected from outside this qualification must reflect current occupational and learning outcomes of this AQF qualification level.
There are both licensed and non-licensed units of competency relating to high risk work in the RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package. To be appointed under any statutory requirements in related roles, units of competency should be selected to meet the state/territory licensing requirements.